Went into XiangYuan

Nineteen years of focus on R&D and manufacturing of polyimide films and related products

XiangYuan Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2003. It is currently the only company engaged in the production of polyimide films, FCCL flexible copper clad laminates, FPC flexible circuit boards, aluminum substrates, aluminum-based circuit boards and other full-product industrial chains. A specialized manufacturer of new material solutions for global customers.

0 yr

19 years of experience in R&D and production of new materials
0 t

Production capacity of polyimide film and related products
0 + people

Number of core team

Factory area

Company culture


Pioneering and innovating, pursuing excellence, striving for the first in the industry, serving the society

Based on high-end, looking at the world, so that technology and product quality are in a leading position in the industry

Integrity, Pragmatism, Professionalism,Innovation

Culture determines cohesion, team determines execution, management determines competitiveness, and strategy determines development

XiangYuan's service

Covering multi-field applications, creating value for customers

7*24 hours fast response

We have a professional new material production and R&D team to provide customers with the fastest response service 7*24 hours

Multiple product specification support

With 19 years of experience in the production of polyimide films and related products, we provide customers with various specifications and requirements to meet customers' multi-field and multi-scene uses

Strong supply capacity

With a production capacity of 600 tons of polyimide film and related products, the company covers an area of 120,000 square meters. The production bases are located in Tianjin, Jiangxi, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other places, providing customers with strong supply capabilities

High index, high quality

We help our clients meet the environmental and quality standards they require through various certifications, Not affected by geographic location; high emphasis on product quality and sustainability